
Drive on

Last week a local Marine lost his life in Afghanistan. Today they brought him back home. The local media had posted the procession route and schedule.  I timed an errand  so I could stand along the road when the procession passed.

I shot some video with my phone and uploaded it to YouTube.  They have some new tools available that allow you to splice several short videos together.


gg said...

I don't want to politicize this but it almost makes me apoplectic that we still have Marines dying in Afghanistan because that fool Bush had to invade Iraq. Afghanistan should have been wrapped up and done by 2005 but we are still spending lives and treasure there in 2012.

Darth Sillious said...

I agree with you Ed. This is turning into an unpopular war. I am happy to see that we (as a society) are not taking our frustration out on the troops like we did in Vietnam.

"I want rustlers, cut throats, murderers, bounty hunters, desperados, mugs, pugs, thugs, nitwits, halfwits, dimwits, vipers, snipers, con men, Indian agents, Mexican bandits, muggers, buggerers, bushwhackers, hornswogglers, horse thieves, bull dykes, train robbers, bank robbers, ass-kickers, shit-kickers and Methodists. " -Hedley Lamarr