
Monday morning

It looks like I have an internet connection at the house now, I was just sitting here writing and drinking my coffee while I waited for the rest of the family to get up and it came to life. Perhaps someone reset the server here or something but it's been reliable so far (knock on wood) I tried to upload Annie's song again but I got the same result, maybe 18 seconds is the limit for blogger... I uploaded the 3 parts. Here is a picture of him with is new nasal tube. He can't quite keep the pacifier in yet but he wants it from time to time, Tina holds it for for him.
Now that he's not getting morphine, we are seeing more of his early personality. He has a lot of fight in him and tugs at his monitor wires and IVs. He also gets mad when Tina cleans the goop out of his mouth. He doesn't seem to be in pain, I think he just likes to be dirty. His face darkens into a scowl and he looks like he's screaming but the cry is very weak. I think over the next couple days after his throat heals we may hear a louder cry.
Today is Monday, I think that means we will see more doctors and have more tests, maybe even start getting some results.
Oh yeah, here is Kevin's new oxygen regulator, I think it looks like a gas flowmeter for a welder, everyone made fun of me when I brought that up.
1:00PM- He's sleeping so we left him alone, it's hard to resist the urge to touch him but it seems to wake him up then he gets mad so we decided to let him get his rest. The nurse told us they may remove his umbilical IV today. If they do, we'll finally get to hold him.

7:00PM- Tina is holding Kevin right now, they took the umbilical IV out as well as the catheter so he only has a few cords and tubes now. Here is the first picture of the 5 of us together. Annie still has a few things to learn about being gentle too, she has been waiting a long time to play with her brother, it's hard to be paitent.


Anonymous said...

Good Morning...
I am so glad to here that things are going well. Just wanted to let you know that Link is loving being at our house. He and Daisy just play all day. You will be our prays! We send much love to you and your Family!

Anonymous said...

Kevin & Tina~

Just wanted to say how happy that Little K is doing so much better. Bill says he's a cute little guy!

Let me know if there is anything we can do for you ~you and your entire family are in our thoughts and prayers

Amy (TCP) & Chuck

gg said...

Yeah, sounds like things are looking up.

What I want to know is if the Ronald McDonald House has a souvenir stand. Can you buy shot glasses with the Ronald McDonald House logo on them?

Anonymous said...

Yea again! I hope you get to hold him today. I imagine it must be pretty hard not to ...as always, love, hugs, and prayers

Anonymous said...

AWWW! How awesome that everything is improving so well, I am sure he is loving being held! LOVE the new pics, what a great family shot!! Love and hugs to all!

Anonymous said...

Have been thinking of you and praying every day!! I am very impressed with the page Kevin nice work! Wishing you all the love you share right now to get you through all of this and bring Baby K home!! A. Maureen is praying hard too and sends her love!!

Anonymous said...

the pics on here are great we are so happy things are getting better when things are cooled now and u are all at home i want to have u email me pics so i can scrapbook a new kevin baby book!!! love to all love christie and david

Anonymous said...

Hi guys! Very nice family picture! It's so awesome you get to hold Little Kevin. He's such a cutie. It's great that each day shows a little more improvement. Thinking of all of you often. Love, Teletha

gg said...

Nice family shot. Did you do that with a timer and a tripod?

Anonymous said...

So HAPPY to see little K in mommy's arms! Wonderful family shot!! Thanks again for taking the time to keep up all updated! Lots of love to all!

"I want rustlers, cut throats, murderers, bounty hunters, desperados, mugs, pugs, thugs, nitwits, halfwits, dimwits, vipers, snipers, con men, Indian agents, Mexican bandits, muggers, buggerers, bushwhackers, hornswogglers, horse thieves, bull dykes, train robbers, bank robbers, ass-kickers, shit-kickers and Methodists. " -Hedley Lamarr