Kevin Matthew showed up at 5:01 am, weighing in at 9lbs 3oz. and measuring 20 3/4". A big baby for such a little woman. He is in NICU right now, having trouble breathing on his own. He will be headed to a bigger hospital later today. Thank you for keeping us in your thoughts.
1:22PM- We are both tired, especially Tina who pushed out a 9 pound baby 8 hours ago. All those hills she climbed this summer paid off. Since then we have talked to a bunch of doctors and nurses, we even talked to the lady who is driving the ambulance. After they took him away, Tina was released from the hospital. We had her parents come pick up the kids, they live about 45 minutes from the hospital Little K will be going to. Now we are going to take a nap and head down. He is going to see about 10 ologists of some kind today. We will find out more in the next few days...
11:00PM -After visiting Little K in the NICU, we checked into the hotel. He's had a few tests today, no real results yet, just preliminary reports. His breathing is improving but he isn't urinating yet. A urologist was examining him while we were there. We were able to touch and talk to him, we even helped the nurse change his poopy diaper. He seems to have no problem crapping up his back. More poking and prodding tomorrow, more doctors, more waiting. Today has been a long day, the hotel has a pool, I think I'm going to go for a swim before bed.
He is a big boy and look at all that hair! Congratulations to all and we will certainly keep you all in our thoughts and prayers.
Thanks for the phone call!
What a big guy, Congrats! You all are in my thoughts and prayers. Love you all!
You sent me a text this morning that said he weighed five pounds and I was more than a little shocked. Nine sounds more like it. I am thinking happy thoughts.
Hooray for you both! Prayer and rejoicing is offered up for all. We're looking forward to all the updates and info.
Hey! I ran into Annie, the midwife, at Target this afternoon and she wants to let you all know she is thinking of you all! She said to check into the Renucci Hospitality House at Devos for a room, she said they are very nice... http://www.devoschildrens.org/?s=1&nid=B97B9B5E97914A33B53AE9AEB0242953&Intro=0&id=D73D1295FDB741E1B7D76E7634C3F847&onstep=3
Phone/Contact Information
Main: (616) 391-1790
Hope your trip down is a smooth one, and little Kevin is doing well! We love ya!
We are thinking of you. I was a little shocked at the 5 lbs too. 9 lbs!!!! It reminds me of pushing a grapefruit out of someplace you don't want it to come out. Way to go Tina.
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