The bags are packed and waiting by the door, the crib, bassinet and changing table are in place. There is a plastic bag in the
Diaper Genie and the lid is open and ready to go. We have sitters and backup sitters for the kids, we even have a backup for the backup. We are just waiting for the baby to join us. The due date isn't for another 10 days but it's better to be ready than scramble. These pictures was taken yesterday from the top of the tallest dune we dared to climb. She's training for a marathon and hoping for a sp

rint. You all now know as much about when as I do.
An August baby in Michigan.... our hearts and prayers go out to Tina. Aidan was an August baby, an the heat in Northern Michigan was tough on mom. The boy turned sweet-sixteen yesterday. Time flies, eh?
Praying for you and your little one, Mom, Dad, big bro and sis.... Keep us posted so we can celebrate withyou!
You think it's hot in MI in Aug...try having a baby in Arkansas in Sept!, two years in a row!
We are anxiously waiting for news up here in Alaska! Love and Hugs to all...
Surprisingly enough, she has not complained about the heat a bit. She is what her midwife calls "a summer butterfly."
I remember when I had the twins. I was stationed at Alpha Base on the sun side of Mercury. Even with the air units it never got below 85 in the surface buildings. I was working maintenance so I was spent most of my workday upstairs in the heat. It wasn't fun.
I am thinking about both of you and the rest of your family. Tina looks great. Please tell everyone hi.
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