Yesterday was warmer than it has been in a few weeks, I think it was around 60. Not a tropical heat wave but a nice change from the cold snap we got in April. It was so cold the Cleveland Indians moved to Milwaukee. We got out in the woods without boots, coats hats or gloves. Spring in Northern Michigan always feels a little bit like a parole. You can still get outside in the dead of winter but it's a pain in the ass. We had cabin fever bad and started getting out a few weeks ago when the weather changed from bitter cold to just plain cold. Yesterday was better though, we noticed there were a lot more people on the trail as well.
The other neat thing about this time of year is the woods are still brown and bare and you can see right through the trees. It gives you a better feel for the contour of the hills. During our jaunt we came across a tree that is home to an animal. I'm not sure what kind of animal, but I would guess it eats a lot of bran.
I have to confess, I didn't think that last bit was very exciting or worth sharing, I just wanted to experiment with making links. Bear with me and this will either get better or I will get bored and quit posting.
I think today is Earth Day. I have never really understood what it was about. Is it a celebration of spring? That's May Day. Are you supposed to plant a tree? That's Arbor Day. Is it a chance for the granola crowd to assemble? That's what coffee houses are for. I think it has something to do with creating awareness for the environment. Well I can tell you we are aware. It seems like the only thing having parades and protests accomplishes is getting the conservative radio dicks upset. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the outdoors and I do so responsibly and teach my children to as well. My philosophy is simple. Human nature is to ravage and destroy everything we use. You can't change human nature. I am counting on science to find a solution. In the meantime, I plan to enjoy it while I can.
I don't think it is human nature to destroy and ravage, I think it is our culture that teaches us to ravage and destroy.
I think it may just be in Kevin's nature to destroy and ravage.
You may be right. :) :)
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